UB MBA Admitted Student Webinar
Morning, Aaron.
Good morning, Wanda.
Can you hear me?
I can.
I can see you too.
Good morning everyone, just checking to see if you can hear me.
This is him, I can hear you.
I can hear you.
I can hear you.
Aaron, could you hear Maine?
I can.
Can you hear me? It's going.
I can.
Yes, when.
I love how everybody's all dressed up this morning.
Thank you for getting out of your pajamas.
The top half might be different in the bottom half.
Exactly, I have make up on.
Same here.
Aaron, did, your husband asks you why you're getting all dressed up today? 'cause That's what I got this morning.
I warned everybody my don't come anywhere near the third floor. I have make up on.
Hello and welcome to the UV admitted student web and R. Before we get started and get too far into this, I'd like to get some administrative notes out of the way.
Meghan Wood
09:00:22 AM
Hi Vish!
Meghan Wood
09:00:26 AM
Hi Aaron!
Meghan Wood
09:00:38 AM
Hi Dipesh!
Starting with the fact that the platform that we're utilizing doesn't always necessarily play well with all of the web browsers out there, and so if you're having difficulty hearing or seeing me at this point, I do suggest switching over to a new web browser. Firefox or Chrome seem to work well. If you have those, so go ahead and do so if needed.
And then as we go throughout the web and R, feel free to type in questions. They will be answered in the order that they received. You can do so utilizing the chat box which is found down in either the left hand bottom corner of your screen or at the bottom. Altogether we will have a live Q&A session at the end, but just in case you've got a question at the forefront of your mind and don't want to lose it, go ahead and type it into the chat box.
So kicking things off here, I'd like to 1st introduce myself. My name is Aaron Shaw on the assistant director of recruiting for our full time MBA in RMS programs here at the University of Buffalo School of Management. And I'd like to Secondly say congratulations, this is a big deal. We know that this phase of your life is not to be taken lightly and there's a lot that goes into the decision making process to apply for MBA program and then the angst and stress that it goes with the admissions process. So congratulations, this is a big deal for you.
I mean, we're very proud of you and then thank you, um, amongst the chaos in the unprecedented times that we're currently facing, we want to say thank you for taking the time out of your day away from your families to spend some time with us to learn more about what we're going to discuss here today. And with that, today's focus is to give you an inside look at our MBA program and the School of Management community as a whole, and ultimately, what makes us extraordinary. And we're going to do so by covering topics related to.
Academics career preparation. Student life at you be living in Buffalo, NY next steps and then like I mentioned before, we get into that Live Q&A at the end.
I'm joined today by a handful of my colleagues from all corners of the UV School of Management, including doctor Tim Maynes who's our MBA program, faculty director Erin O'Brien, who is our assistant Dean and chief and roll chief enrollment in marketing officer Gwen Applebaum, who's our assistant Dean and director of career of the career Resource Center. Megan, would the director of recruitment and admissions myself, an Linda Keidel, who's our assistant director of admissions. So without further ado, I'm going to turn it over to doctor Tim Maynes.
Tim, take it away.
Hello, it's nice to sort of.
Meet each of you over this over this web and arm. I want to give a little background on on who I am. My roll a little bit and then I want to talk more generally about the MBA program and from the perspective of the faculty and thinking about the experience in the classroom that you're going to find here at you. Be so as I mentioned my news to mains and I'm the faculty director of the MBA program. What that means?
On a practical level, is that I have responsibilities related to the curriculum and the quality of instruction in the program, so I'm intimately familiar with the courses that are offered and the opportunities for learning that are available. I also teach organizational behavior in the first semester of the first year of the program.
Meghan Wood
09:04:10 AM
Hi Paige!
And just a bit more background before becoming a professor. Here at Ubi earned a PhD in organizational behavior at Indiana University, and I also kind of in a.
A sort of a non.
Logical sequence of events. I have a Masters degree in accounting and worked in an accounting firm for a number of years. Before making a switch to studying organizational psychology, organizational behavior and becoming a professor so.
In my role as dumb as a faculty director, I have the opportunity to speak with alums of our program and a question I like to ask them is to tell me about one of the most transformative experiences of their lives.
And a common response that I hear back from them is that the MBA program was the single most transformative experience that they had to this point in their life. And that answer almost kind of surprises me among all of the many experiences that people have that are alums have in their lives. They point to their experience in our program as being one of the most transformative and to me that's just super interesting. Very interesting, and it leads me to think what would lead them to say that as I've pondered that question, I've come to a couple of conclusions.
About what leads them to say to say that about the program? Of course, I'm tremendously proud of ***** MBA program. It's the Premier MBA program in Western New York. What you're going to hear about more in a few minutes.
Uhm, but I think what one of the things that I've concluded is that one of the reasons why our alums point to the MBA program is as this turning point in their lives is because of the exceptional learning atmosphere, an experience that's created. We have a group of very committed, internationally renowned faculty that you can really only find at a top tier research University like like the University of Buffalo, and so that's one of the things the faculty are dedicated to student learning and growth. We have a number of faculty members who have.
Devoted their careers to becoming exceptional teachers, and that's an experience that you'll find to be tremendously valuable. I think you'll also find that we have.
Uh, it's something that's kind of interesting and and a bit unique that the faculty members work together collaboratively, often on projects that cut across courses. In that way it integrates the learning. An really accelerates, accelerates growth, and so that's something that's really interesting. One in particular is a program we what we call the corporate champions program, where students have the opportunity to work in teams for local companies.
Yeah, on various projects and that one is one that also cuts across the number of courses.
Uhm, another thing that I think is a reason that students point to the MBA program is being transformative is because it's an opportunity to interact with some of the best and the brightest of aspiring future business leaders. Their classmates, many of whom go on to achieve tremendous levels of success in their careers, and so that opportunity to interact with and to form a network with some of the best and the brightest. In terms of being future leaders of business.
Uh, is something that's also have tremendous value.
And then.
Just one last point here, and that is that.
The MBA program is unlike any program that you've likely been apart of in the past. It's not like an undergraduate degree. We view students much differently than many undergraduate programs view their students. We see students as our partners in helping to develop the next level and.
Generation of leaders in the business community. And so we take that we take that role and that responsibility in that mission very seriously. And so so I see that is all sort of the package together that comes together. That leads are alums to indicate and report that the MBA program was the experience in lives that transform them the most. And so we'll talk more about some of the elements of the program that are.
Just really tremendous, and for that I'm going to turn the time now to Erin O'Brien.
Thank you so much Tim. Uh, there we go now. My video is on. Hello everyone, I see that we have some future you be MBAs from the United States on the line as well as some from overseas in India. So good evening to our friends in India and good morning to our friends here in the USI am. Erin O'Brien I'm assistant Dean and chief enrollment and marketing officer of the University of Buffalo School of Management.
Many of you have interacted with me and my team over the course of your admissions journey, and so I'd like to welcome you to the next step of the journey. My portion of the presentation will be to talk to you a little bit about our program and the.
Chances that you can have that will lead to that transformative lifetime experience that professor means just mentioned. Could we advance the slide, please?
Great, thank you so much. So the UV School of Management is the number one Business School in the State University of New York. We are ranked within the top 10% of all AACSB accredited business schools and were ranked in three of the major rankings. Bloomberg business week, Forbes, NUS news and World Report. And if you've seen our recent US news and World Report, you've noticed that we've actually climbed again in the ranks. And we're very proud.
Of the work that we put in to help to make you the best you be MBA as possible because that's what the ranking that's with the ranking indicates is that we're creating or we're helping too.
Create great, you be MBAs. Forbes list us as in the top 25 of all public institutions in the United States and military friendly for our military friends ranks us as a number nine Tier 1 Research University, which puts us in the top of the top programs.
But it's not just the The School of Management is not just.
The MBA program. You're part of a large community in the School of Management or one of the largest units within the University of Buffalo. We have approximately 3000 undergrads we have about 500 MBAs matriculate eed across our full time MBA program. Are professional MBA program and our executive MBA program. We also have 390 or 400 Master of Science students across accounting, finance, management, information systems and operations and supply chain management.
And we're constantly working to grow that population to offer more Masters of science degrees will have some rolling out soon.
We also have a full fully fledged doctoral program PhD program. We have about 40 pH DS across six different disciplines within the School of Management and teaching. All of those students we have about 75 full time faculty plus a whole host of adjunct faculty as well to help to deliver the high quality academic knowledge that the School of Management brings to their students.
The The as many of you know, the MBA tuition for the tuition for the MBA program. We have two different price points, one is for New York State residents, an one is for non New York State residents. But rather than talk about the dollar amount when I want to talk about is The Fabulous Return on investment that you get by investing in your you be education and that's why we rank in one of the top 25 public institutions by Forbes because.
The return on investment from your MBA investment is very quick. We averaged less than the average payback time period as well as it allows you the opportunity to really invest in the rest of your life too. So so when you come out of the web program, you're not saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of academic debt. You're able to move forward in your career in your life because you invested smartly and invested in the UBM.
Education um, as you can see, we're located in Western New York, which has its advantages because we're in a central location, an most of the major Metropolitan areas within the United States can be reached either by car or by plane, and I think Eran's going to talk a little bit more about this in his portion of the presentation. Could you advance the slide, please here?
Many of you have asked questions. I know during your interviews and in information sessions about what the MBA you be. MBA curriculum is really like and So what I wanted to share with you today is to talk a little bit about what your journey is going to look like through the MBA curriculum. As you've investigated MBA programs, you know that we teach foundational business courses and then you have an opportunity to advance your learning with electives.
And the way our curriculum breaks down, we have in as you'll see in the next slide, we have both single degree MBA students and we have dual degree MBA students in our lab program. And there's a slight difference between how you walk through the curriculum pathway. But for the most part, you both both types of students achieve the same goals, and So what you're seeing right now is a graphical representation.
Of what that journey looks like and in the first year. So your first and second semesters were really focused on delivering the core foundational business knowledge that you need in order to be a high performer in your internship, and then create a strong foundation for the elective work that you're going to do. On top of that, the 1st and 2nd semester's all MBA students go through the 1st and 2nd Semester's. It is a team based experience. We don't wave anybody out, of course is because that team.
Really depends on your skills and if you've had accounting before or you've had finance before or you've had marketing before. What you bring to the team is a strong collection of skills that helps your team to be successful during the first during the first year that NBA team is going to become your core, your core set of peers, your core set of academic support, and you're going to learn an enormous amount from each other because the way we create the teams.
We balance the skills that you bring into the MBA program and we try to make sure that each team has a baseline set of skills and tools. So we make sure that there's somebody who has who has good skills in good quantitative skills. Somebody who has excellent communication skills, somebody who has work experience skills, somebody who brings an interesting point of view from perhaps another discipline, like one of our health professions.
Or engineering, and so we try to make sure that each team is is has the skills to be successful in the 1st and 2nd semesters as doctor mains mentioned corporate champions is one of the programs that that we were very proud of and it's the prime experiential learning opportunity. In the first semester where you work with your team and an external corporate entity, a partner too.
Achieve a project that spans a number of your first semester courses and so you work together as a group in order to be able to be successful on this project, but your deliverables are going to be across the across the core curriculum, so you're going to have a statistics deliver most statistics, course deliverable, and organizational behavior. Course deliverable a team skills deliverable, a communications deliverable, and So what you find is the first semester is highly integrated.
At a highly integrated experience and a very very hands on experience in the second semester, you have an opportunity to start to take some electives above and beyond the core curriculum. Many of our students will choose to do a leader core elective or some of our health professions will be taking. Dual degrees will be taking the health management courses. Many of our students will opt to take things like marketing research or data modeling as their choice.
Active in the second semester.
In the third semester, it is predominantly electives, and so this is where you really have an opportunity to expand your knowledge base and define what your concentration is by taking those elective courses. And these are the skills that you layer on top of your foundational skills that create a great yubba so you can see the number of concentrations that we have. Many of our concentrations are primary foundational concentrations like finance and marketing, but many of our concentrations are secondary.
Or built to be layered appan those foundational concentrations. So like Analytics or management consulting so it's feasible for you to do a finance concentration and a consultant concentration, or a marketing concentration and and analytics concentration. So you really have the power to develop a really really powerful potential. Career tools as you work through as you work through your electives in the 4th semester. Ann Farrar. Dual degree student.
This may not happen sequentially, but for the most part you're experiencing them in the same way that the single degree students are. The remainder of your MBA is predominantly electives, but then we have a capstone experience where you come back together as a cohort and you work on a project. Excuse me, that will.
Utilize all of the all of the knowledge and experience that you've gained over your you be MBA program in between all this you're working on your leader core experience and you're working on creating a strong professional and professional and personal leadership development pathway through leader core and many of our students take advantage of global programming which you will hear about a little bit a little bit later in the presentation. But you have an opportunity.
Two, when were able to travel the world and make some incredible memories and have some incredible experiences using your ubn knowledge in places like Ghana and India in Costa Rica and China and many other places.
So, so that you be MBA. Curriculum is a rich, rich experience of opportunity for you that you can really.
Take advantage of to achieve your own career goals. Can we advance the slide, please?
So in my previous slide I mentioned are dual degree students. We have collaborative degrees across 19 different disciplines on the UV campus. We like to say where the degree that partners with everybody at you be and so your cohort is going to be filled with students from other units who are working on.
Primary degree and so it's just as likely that you'll have an international student who may have had an engineering background as you are to get a fourth year medical student or a second year law student or real estate development student or an engineering student on your team. And right now the balance of dual degree students to single degree students in the UB MBA program is just a little bit less than half to have.
With more single degree students than dual degree students. So if you've talked to any of our you be NBA ambassadors, you will know that the experience that you have by having all of these amazing students in the classroom is an on your team. Is that you learn a very different perspective than you would have gotten if we didn't have our collaborative degree students in the UB MBA program. It makes us unique among MBA programs to have this many dual degree students.
And we think it's a huge benefit to you as you it becomes more of a real world experience and it mirrors the type of projects that you're going to be working on after you get your job degree.
So we talked a little bit about the curriculum and the next thing I want to talk about is how you put that knowledge into use. And as you'll see from the pictures you be MBAs work hard. But we also play hard and a lot of the opportunity that you have here might seem like play, but it's really important. Play one of the first things that you do with us is orientation, and we call that the NBA advantage and I'm very excited for you guys to be able to participate in the NBA advantage because it's a great experience.
Where you have an opportunity to come together as an entire cohort of students, and it's the first time that you meet one another and it's the first time that you have an opportunity to create those bonds that are going to last pretty much for the rest of your life. and I can tell you we have a couple you be MBA alumni on this panel, myself included, and I can tell you that the relationships that started in my MBA advantage more than 20 years ago persist today.
And the same people that I call on when I have a business challenge or I have a business opportunity and I'm constantly drawing in my peers from my you be MBA program and what you'll find is that MBA advantage gives you an incredible strong foundation for that relationship. Because we remember the whole entire first semester is team based and you need to go from MBA advantage immediately into the first week of classes.
And your first team deliverable is going to be do very shortly after the first day of school, so we need to make sure that you have a strong team foundation and that you're working together successfully. So we're going to spend a lot of time together before you start classes, and we're going to engage in all sorts of activities and bring you all sorts of relationships. Current students, recent recent students, alumni, employers, faculty, staff were all in an MBA advantage in order to be able to get you set up.
Successfully for the first semester, we talked a little bit about corporate champions already, but corporate champions for a practical discussion is stretched across the entire first semester. And as I said, it's it's deliverables across the spectrum of your first semester classes.
One of the unique aspects of the first year is that all first year teams will have a second year mentor and the 2nd year MBA mentor is the person who's gone through successfully gone through the first year and now has the skills to be able to help guide you through that first year. And that's a great person to have on your team. That's the first level of coaching and mentorship that you get in the UV MBA program. There's many levels, but the mentor the second year mentor is the first.
The first level of that coaching and mentorship, the great part about that is that not only do you get to be on the receiving end of the benefit of the mentor program when you become a second year now you can become a mentor and share your experiences back with the first year class that comes after you.
The next thing that I want to talk about is leader core an I mentioned it in the previous slide as it stretches across your MBA experience. It runs concurrent with your MBA experience curriculum and it is an OPT in program and it is an opportunity for you to focus on the core competencies that we know that employers value within their MBAs.
And you get to work on things like teamwork and leadership and problem solving and analytical skills and global and diversity, mindset and communication skills. And you work on them in three different levels. You'll be. You'll have a traditional academic course, so it'll be there's a curricular aspect to it. There is a Co curricular aspect to it where you'll be working on projects as teams and the project in this past year the teams were out working in public schools in the region working with elementary students.
Elementary school students and it was a great experience for our leader. Course you be MBAs.
And then there's the thing that I think defines leader core and really creates the the personal development as well as professional development is. There's a self reflection component to leader cord that allows you to reflect on your own behaviors and identify where you start on those behaviors and competences and what your professional goal is on those competences. And it is what we call the leader core moment or the ahha moment.
That you reflect on and allow yourself the opportunity to grow from those experiences. Leader core is I would. I would I would encourage you to talk to your MBA ambassadors about leader core. I think it's one of the most powerful experiences that we have in the human MBA program that is distinct from other programs. Everybody has a leadership development program. I think. I think leader core is distinct because of that personal development aspect of it. Because once you see and learn.
The behaviors around these competencies, you can't Unsee them and you can't unlearn them. An you can only continue to grow from this experience, so I would highly encourage you to investigate leader core when you arrive for orientation and the last thing that I want to share in this slide is about our social impact fellows. Many many schools have social impact type of social innovation, programming or social impact programming.
Again, I think our social impact fellowship is a unique aspect of the UB MBA program. We partner with community Human Services organizations and the picture that you see on this slide is actually one of our you be MBA's working with an organization in Buffalo called stitch Buffalo that helps recently settled refugee women gain gain employment through textile arts through sewing. And so you get to work.
Really, community enriched projects through Social Impact Fellows. This is another option program so this is something that if you are interested in it, you have an opportunity to take a course work on an internship where you're out working with these organizations and helping these these Human Services. Human centered and services businesses to thrive.
Next slide, please. Thank you.
You've heard me mention a couple times the NBA ambassadors. the NBA ambassadors are folks who are in the MBA program. Successful students who are ready and waiting to answer your questions, and you can find are you be MBA ambassadors during information sessions and they're always volunteering at all of our events. But you can reach them directly. There's a you be MBA webpage. You be MBA Ambassador Web page on our website.
Where you can reach out to them directly, their emails are linked to that page and anytime you have questions and many of the questions that the NBA ambassadors get armor ground level, there are questions that you really want the answers to. We know that the questions that you ask us are the questions that you want to put forward as your most professional questions, but the yubba investors, those are the questions that you really want answers to like. Where do I live and How do I get around town if I don't have a car and is it really worth it? And what did you find your experience to be?
So please reach out to our MBA ambassadors there ready and waiting for you to ask them questions.
Meghan Wood
09:29:57 AM
Hi Pragya!
Some of the other experiences that you can have within the MBA program if you're interested in finance, artery scally investment group actually works with a real money fund that allows you to make the investing decisions and gain that investing practice that your analysis and practice that you need in order to be able to go to work for somebody at an organization in investment banking. We have many, many entrepreneurship resources for you from.
The Panachi Competition to the Blackstone organization within the School of Management that helps it's a resource for the entire University to foster your idea from.
Meghan Wood
09:30:47 AM
Pragya - did you try switching your browser?
Meghan Wood
09:31:01 AM
Google Chrome and Firefox work the best.
Its infancy into a full fledged organization in the picture that you see there are two of our MBA's not last year, but the year before. Who won the panachi competition? And with their idea that they fleshed out using Blackstone launchpad resources and other resources within the school and they were able to achieve enormous success there a full fledged business now and they are they are on their way to being a very successful organization.
Are you be MBAs participate in case competitions all over the country as well as the world and?
And have an opportunity to show off the skills that they've learned during the MBA program. And Lastly on this slide. New York City Finance in law. If you're interested in the intersection of business and the legal aspects of business, and perhaps in regulation or in.
In commercial banking, management and compliance and policy and regulation, there's an opportunity to do an emergent semester in New York City with where you're partnered with students from our law school, and the curriculum is Co taught. These are all opt in programs that allow you the opportunity to get the experience that you want while you're in the UB MBA program.
And if all those experiences weren't enough, you have an opportunity to join. Clubs and organizations are students are not only participants, but take a leadership position within many of our graduate student clubs across all domains. So data analytics and finance and healthcare and marketing and women in management and so many. And if you don't see a club up there that is interesting to you, I would encourage you to start one. We have the resources for you to be able to gather together your.
Student peers and and create an organization and we would be happy to help you to create those organizations as well.
At the beginning of my section, I offered up some interesting information about global programs and when the opportunity exists. While you're a, you be MBA, but I can tell you from personal experience having done on some of these programs that this our global programming is an amazing opportunity for you to not just visit another country, but to actually be able to get work in another country on a project or to be able to deliver social impact.
Vish Gopalakrishnan
09:33:49 AM
Thank you for putting this webinar together. I can see that all of you are working off-location and I appreciate the effort the admissions team has put into helping us get a better sense of our MBA experience.
In another country and our students are going all over the place. So we have regular trips to Asia, Central and South America and Europe, and we also run a series of trips. Shorter trips across the United States that we call experience. The 50 because many of our students are coming from other countries and being in the US. Is there international experience? And so we want to be able to share the best of the United States with our international colleagues and friends.
And so our students visit places like San Francisco for a tech track and Washington DC, and recently students. I think some of our it was our undergraduate students who went to Orlando to learn the magic behind Disney Engineering. So there's an enormous opportunity for you to take advantage of that. MBAs usually travel between.
Winter break, spring break and during the summer, so um lookout for professor Dorothy Siasma in your MBA advantage and she'll be sharing a whole bunch of information with you about global programming.
Meghan Wood
09:34:31 AM
We're happy to do it, Vish. We can't wait to welcome all of you in person!
And before I closeout my section and turn it over for a discussion on what type of career resources. You have, I wanted to share one of our greatest resources are? Are you be MBA alumni in our School of Management Alumni and as you will see over the course of your experience with us access to alumni is one of the most important aspects of your MBA program and we regularly benchmark.
Against other schools and in terms of your satisfaction with the access that you're getting to alumni and employers, and as you can see I wanted to share this with you that in terms of access to alumni for career opportunities.
For practical experience is an for interaction with alumna. In courses we rank with the bus schools out there and we are constantly working to deliver new ways of engaging our alumni in your you be MBA experience. We have 40 three over 43,000 School of Management Alumni in 80 Seven countries and all 50 States and so we hope to make another strong relationship for you with our alumni.
And we hope that when you become alumni, you will turn around and do exactly the same thing for you. Be MBA classes that come after you.
And I think that this is my last slide before I turn it over to my friend Glenn Applebaum, who leads our career Resource Center. I want to say thank you again for for for being with us today and for continuing to pursue your MBA academic.
Goals while we all share in this global health challenge together, thank you for staying on track and thank you for staying on target. So my friend went head take it over.
OK, hello everyone, I'll add my congratulations to all of you on your acceptance into the MBA program. I know you're getting a lot of information this morning. I'm glad to have the chance to talk with you for a few minutes. Just about what you can expect from the Queer Resource Center and how we will work together. Before I begin, I'll just add that I am also AIUB plum and had one of those transformative experiences that remains was talking about.
I was I had a business background. I was in the finance industry as well as the energy industry and has such a fantastic experience as part of the MBA program that I joined the school. And so I hope for you that you have just as impactful and experiences. I had as you launch into the program.
OK, so let's get started. I wanted to give you just a glimpse of our team here in the CRC. You'll get to know quite well all the advisors. The career advisers that will be working with you directly. But I also wanted to show you that were kind of more than meets the eye in terms of some folks that are working for you behind the scenes. Like you may never. For example me, our employer relations staff, but they are working hard behind the scenes to make sure that we develop strong recruiting relationships for you.
Our employee relations manager recruitment coordinator. We have dedicated internship staff who you will also meet and work closely with, but they're also developing great internship partnerships for the experience to fill your MBA requirement.
A club advisor, as well as an expert in technology to help with a lot of the technology resources in platforms that we purchased for you and to support you in that so OK. So yes, let's go to the next slide and these are specifically your CRC career advisors. If you would take away nothing else from my portion of this talk, I want you to know that.
Are the way we work with you is. We are built to work on very individualized basis. We want to make sure we get to know you personally and that we know your career goals and can better support you so you work very much one on one with your career advisers. But then there's also some specialized help that you'll see a cross.
Visors here, for example, if you're undecided an not sure what concentration you're looking to pursue, you'll work with Pam who specializes in helping get people from thinking about all the different possibilities to really developing and honing in on a focus. We also, for international students. We have an international Courier services expert in that is Ellen Murphy on our staff, who is connected to a national network of international car services, people and so very well familiar with visa issues.
And CTE issues and things like that that are international students need to be aware of, and a great resource for them.
And then of course, our our internship to regular director who works on.
In terms of not just registering you for the credit bearing experience and working with you on some of the nuts and bolts but really working with you on finding great internship experiences and also developing a pipeline of great MBA level internship opportunities for our students to take advantage of. And that's important in helping you fulfill that portion of the program.
Meghan Wood
09:39:56 AM
Aaron - we can follow up with you on this section.
OK so um.
Jumping into thinking about how we work proactively in collaboratively with you. One of the questions that I'm often asked right from the start is what you can be doing between now and the start of the program. To really get a jump start in terms of your career development and so we know you have that question and we want to take away some of the mystery associated with that. And so the beginning this summer you'll get a checklist from us on things that we want you to be working on to help you prepare and make the most of your summer. One of those things.
Is working on your MBA level resume will provide some resources to some online resources and things like that, so you can really get started in and hit the ground running with an MBA resume. We will also have you do an assessment.
Akarere leader assessment that will give you a glimpse into and help you really get some clues into appropriate career paths and best fit career environment strength things like that will work with you to help you interpret those results, but it's a great tool that our students really love to help give them some insight about what careers an environments may be, the right fit for them, and then we do some fun activities like a career Idol assignment. That's not really time consuming. It gets you thinking about mentor relationships and really aspirational type.
Things so the other ways that we work with you proactively internship prep from the beginning of the program when you come in August through the fall semester and in January were giving you introduce networking events and specialized advisement, and again helping you connect with if, particularly if you're interested in more of a national level with national level employers, we want to get started early because that recruitment process starts early in helping you prepare for that.
And along those lines, the last thing I'll say is that there's a wow fund that you have available to you that you can apply for as early as August in terms of seeking funding resources, we want to support you if you'd like to travel outside of the area for national career fairs, competitions, professional development events, and you have access pretty early on to that. Fun to help support you in that and a lot of those things are found in Biz Link, which you'll see soon enough is your.
Comprehensive career management system. That was where internship opportunities, job opportunities, event sign up while find all of those things are things that you'll find there and that's exclusively available to our business students.
OK, I wanted to just wrap up by saying You know the the proactive way we work with their students and the collaborative way that we work with our students we found is really paid off in terms of employment results and that's really the formula for success and in where we've seen students do really well post graduation. You can see here that the class of 2019, 90% were employed within three months of graduation, which is outstanding for class and pretty typical for our students. In terms of employment results that are salary levels or.
Meghan Wood
09:43:23 AM
Great, Pragya!
Influenced by the fact that about 50% of our students tend to stay in Western New York, the cost of living is super reasonable here. It draws a lot of people in for that reason, so you have a huge range in terms of salaries, because then the other half of our students tend to locate more nationally and achieve typical NBA level salaries on the right hand side. You'll see the sample of some of the employers that hire very recently from us. Their longstanding employers, but also all of these employers hired within the last two years.
And represent really outstanding relationships for us. We view our employer partnerships to be some of our most precious assets when it comes to supporting our EBE Bay students. And we don't want them just to recruit our students. We really want them embedded throughout the course of the program. You tired about corporate champions you're working with corporations pretty early on in the program, and we want to see those employers networking with you, mentoring you, working on projects with you so that.
There's a seamless transition between our world and our business in the business world that you'll be working in. So I'll stand for questions, but I'm glad to have a chance to talk with you just a little bit, and I think at this point I'm turning it over to Megan for some insights about life at you be.
Thank you Gwen. I'm excited to speak with all of you today and definitely please add questions to the chat box you be is a great place to be.
And we cannot wait to welcome you.
Where the Premier public research University in the northeastern USA and we're also the largest and most comprehensive campus within the 64 campus uni system. We have three campuses within Buffalo South Campus, which was our original campus, the North Campus. And that's actually a picture of Jacobs Management Center. We are some of your classes will be as well as our downtown medical campus.
In terms of total students, undergrad Masters and graduate students, PhD students, we have almost 32,000 were within a Top 25 ranked for bringing international students to be, and we also have partnerships with over 90 universities worldwide. Aaron talked about the strength of School of Management Alumni. We also have 268 thousand you be alumni in 150 countries across the world. We have over 400.
$2,000,000 in research expenditures were also a member of the Association of American universities, more commonly known as the AAU. We were also the first suni institution to be invited to be a member of that Association.
In terms of rankings, I'm as I mentioned, where as part of the AAU, but we're ranked among the top 2% for public universities where the number one public University with in New York state or highest ranking has been the 28th public University nationwide, and we're consistently ranked within the Top 40 public universities nationwide for the past six years.
As far as campus life, we have really fun sports. The basketball games are a blast. The football games are really fun. Were Division One sports we have over 300 clubs and organizations an you can learn about them through you be linked. Is Aaron mentioned earlier? If you're probably there's a club that peaks one of your interests, but if not, you can go ahead and start one. We have a really great recreational facilities on Alumni Arena. North Campus has a pool.
Racquetball courts fitness classes are really nice track to walk arounds, workout center and then on the South campus. There's where you may or may not live in residence halls. There's a fitness center and pool. There is also terrific ethnic cuisine restaurants, dining halls and even food trucks all within our campus.
So as far as housing goes, we do have a housing link on our website and I encourage you to check that out. There's lots of on campus housing options for graduate students, ranging from residence halls to apartments. In most situations you want to apply by May 1st to guarantee housing. Prices range anywhere from $8500 to 12,500 per year, and it's typically during the academic year. The 10 month contract. There's a lot of opportunities off-campus as well. You can find housing on your own.
It's available online eBay as well you want to think about location the neighborhood safety condition of the apartment amenities but definitely reach out to our MBA ambassadors because throughout our MBA class there is a wide variety of where students are living price ranges for off campus housing is generally anywhere from 4 to $600 a month and you can usually see those more as 12 month contracts.
And I really want to let you guys know and reinforce that you be is a really safe place. We have a dedicated in large University Police Department that patrols are campus 24 hours a day. We have blue light boxes, so if you're walking on campus and you want and ask for it, you can just hit a blue light will pick you up there and we also have the Buffalo please. An Amherst police that are also available to assist if necessary. You be also as a tremendous text system where you can sign up for emergency alerts.
In Closings at UBS three campuses, so that's great. I participate in that. It's been super helpful. We also have a campus safety shuttle that is provided at night for you. Be students to and from locations within 1 1/2 mile radius of South Campus and just in general, the shuttles from South Campus where we find a lot of our international students live to North campus is phenomenal, so we definitely can get you where you need to be.
And now I'm going to turn it over to Melinda. I'm sorry to Aaron.
Hello again.
Not for this section I'm going to be discussing the city of Buffalo as a whole.
As we know that there's a few individuals on the line that are from outside of the Western New York area and so the goal here is just to give you a better idea of what the city brings in its entire T and as a lifelong resident of the Western New York area it comes a surprise when people learned that I did spend 6 years of my life in San Diego California for those of you that aren't familiar with San Diego California it's often described as.
Perfect in terms of weather location opportunities so on and so forth so again it comes as a surprise to learn that I voluntarily said I'm moving back to Western New York into the Buffalo area and a big part of that is because it does have a very very much a community feel that turns into a family vibe innocence other some of the other reasons to come back it was mentioned earlier in the presentation.
Affordable living so when you talk about our lie it does come quickly but the dollar is stretched much further here in the Buffalo area and Megan just alluded to some of the rent prices so for those of you that are familiar with let's say NYC or SF prices pennies on the dollar and so the dollar does go much further here in the Buffalo area smart economic growth Buffalo it has gone through a recent.
Vish Gopalakrishnan
09:50:49 AM
Tim -
1 - How likely is it that the first semester will be online? And if we do move online, how will the university deliver a consistent classroom experience?
Gwen -
1 - How will Covid-19 impact the internship experience of students? Do we anticipate a reduction in number of companies recruiting for internships? Have any companies decided to not participate?
2 - If the ban on international travel isn't lifted quickly, international students might not be able to get visas in time. How can the university help expedite the visa process?
Erin -
1 - What's the size of the incoming student body looking like this year? Can you give me a sense of the professional background of the incoming class?
2 - Are scholarships, financial awards, assistantships etc. communicated as part of the acceptance letter or are they communicated at a later date?
3 - How will the learning team and LeaderCORE experiences be impacted if the program has to move online for the 1st semester?
Re juvenation of sorts an it's emerged as one of the leading cities in the country when it comes to entrepreneurship and innovation it really when I came back and that was in 2014 I didn't recognize it I had left early 2005 and it was a completely different place with a completely different mindset in terms of business and growth I did mention the great community feel it's known as the city of good neighbors.
And I often describe the you be MBA program in the University at Buffalo taking on that same feel when asked the question what makes it different or what makes it unique and the answer is the people everybody is extremely friendly willing to help out one another an during this time of.
Crisis because of the Cove in 19 AKA coronavirus it really is shining through with with individuals willing to go out and help those that aren't able to help themselves so that's just one example the list goes on and on and it's also an international border city so it gives you access to not only other cities close by and I'll touch on that here in the next slide but torano is right up the road it literally borders Canada.
So it gives you an opportunity to really go out there and explore during your time in the MBA program so Western New York as Erin O'Brien alluded to earlier is on the opposite end of where you'll find New York City although it does provide easy access via plane train plane trains and automobiles it's about a 7 hour 7½ hour drive an hour ish flight and so if you have aspirations of ultimately being employed in New York city.
Or simply going for a visit during your time it's easy enough to get you but as you can see with the provided map Toronto Detroit Cleveland Columbus Pittsburgh Washington DC Philadelphia Jersey City Albany Boston and Montreal are all within a reasonable distance and the cost of travel is significantly low as well so you're in a good place geographically the other thing is this for you in terms of your karere is it allows you to expand your network.
Into these different pockets in do so in a way where you have the opportunity to meet these folks in person as were as being proven right now virtual meetings are real thing and they can be extremely effective but there's also great opportunity to go out and meet these folks shake a hand grab a coffee or whatever the case may be so again centrally located is a huge advantage here when it comes to being in Buffalo New York.
So for those of you that haven't visited Buffalo or experienced Buffalo for yourselves I'm sure one of the first things that you read about or as mentioned you if you bring up Buffalo in conversation with family and friends is the fact that it snows and yes it absolutely snows here there's no doubt about it but we are very much prepared year in and year out to deal with this snow in when it comes to transportation and being able to get around.
So it's not like the city shuts down when it snows and then you know if it's going to snow and we know that it's going to happen let's take advantage of it so there's plenty of opportunity to get out there and experience some fun things that are related to snowfall but it's a magical place in terms of being able to experience the 4 seasons you truly do get all 4 seasons and so when the snow starts to melt and spring starts to shine that's when you can feel it turned the corner.
And then ultimately summer is one of the best places I would argue in the world because it doesn't get too hot it doesn't get too cold you get a ton of sunshine and it's just again my personal opinion absolutely perfect summer to experience and then my favorite season being fall for a number of reasons but that's when it cools off a little bit you get these amazing colors all around you when the leaves start to change and school starts in our halls are buzzing with our new faces.
From all over the world and it is really truly something to experience.
The scene around the Buffalo area when it comes to things to do is analysts and this wasn't always the case going back 10:15 years ago it's really really taken a big step forward leaps and bounds in fact in terms of things to do outside of the classroom which is very much we push you to do that you're going to spend a lot of time with your teammates in the classroom in the academic setting we really really do encourage you to get out and experience some of these fantastic things that Buffalo has to offer.
Uh for nothing else than just Peace of Mind so whether you're into art whether you're into movies if it's getting out in being active physically if it's experiencing some of the the wonders of the world in form of Niagara Falls whatever it is there's something for everybody here in Buffalo so hopefully that paints a somewhat decent picture for you for the folks that haven't either visited it or bend a Buffalo in the past and so with that I'm going to wrap up here.
And turn it over to the conversation revolving around next steps with my friend Melinda.
Hello welcome everyone's a pleasure to be here with you today.
I'm going to be talking about some of the next steps that were trying to accomplish as you move towards your enrollment goal.
Go to the next slide are.
OK so I know the remainder of the people that are on line with us right now are working towards um or possibly already close to the step of gaining their I 20 and my processing team and I are working very hard to in collaboration with the office of international admissions to make sure that you receive your documents as quickly as possible so you can secure your visa appointment once consulates are back up and running so just a reminder of those 3 items on your screen your passport.
Bio page you be financial foreman supporting bank documents are the required immigration materials that we will need In addition to a few other ones like a current visa if you are here in the United States on a visa we need those items to get started working with office of international admissions on your behalf so my processing team and I really work as a liaison between you and that important office to getting issuance of a 920 so we will be sending you weekly reminders.
If you are missing any important immigration materials you can check your status portal where you can also see if you are missing any outstanding items we understand that given the current situation it can be very challenging right now for you to gain supporting documents or if you have some sponsors that need to sign your financial form?
Um please feel free to send them an electronic copy and have them sign it electronically if you're not able to get a wet signature from your sponsor.
Um given the current situation we are being very flexible with these important documents so please do not panic if you're having trouble with your financial institution just work to the best of your ability to get it as quickly as you can we encourage you to upload these documents as soon as possible what we understand that there are many struggles right now with getting those items.
So as soon as we have all of your immigration materials my team will work very quickly to get them over to the office of international admissions so there's no delay on our side they're the ones that are responsible for issuing your I 20 they're working as quickly as possible as well but as soon as you get them to us we will move quickly to send them over if there are any concerns with your documents members of my team will reach out to you via email so that we can clarify anything or get additional documents if necessary we do recommend.
That even though Courier shipping is having some difficulties right now and we're not able to currently shipped I twenties but once we are able to get those out we really do encourage you to select express Courier shipping so that we can get them to you as quickly as possible once it is issued.
So just that's a reminder to upload your I 20 documents as soon as possible if you have not already.
So in order to pay your tuition deposit you will need to have those documents uploaded it's part of the approval process with the office of international admissions once they can approve your final admission then you will get a UV person number which is required in order to pay the tuition deposit so along the lines with us being flexible for your immigration documents we are being very flexible with your tuition deposit as well so the initial date that you received in your acceptance letter asking you to pay maybe by April.
25th or a different date please know that you will not lose your seat if you are unable to pay your deposit by that time.
We are being very flexible with that as well so please do not worry about that as soon as your able to peer to deposit we will we encourage you to do so but you will not lose your seat if you're unable to pay it at that time also within your acceptance letter we gave you a link to the MBA incoming student website so we definitely encourage you to continue to visit that if you have any outstanding steps you'll be able to see exactly what's required for you to do with in there In addition our graduate programs office will be sending you.
Emails regarding next steps or like Aaron O'Brien had mentioned MBA advantage they will want you to register for that so there are constantly pushing out email so make sure you're always checking your email for additional information outside of that incoming student website that will come from your academic advisor and the student services.
Team um within incoming website there's also a lot of other information regarding the health background in immunizations how you can access opportunities for employment on campus as well as additional steps for international students so please In addition to checking your status portal in email also visit visit that incoming MBA student website.
With that I would just say thanks for your time and myself and my processing team are here to assist you if you have any questions or concerns about your remaining steps.
Now I'm going to turn it back to Megan an errand for questions.
I am able to see the questions from dish. Thank you Aaron.
OK, so I'd like to answer your first question first, because I think it's important for everybody to understand how the University is operating right now. So vicious question was how likely is it that the first semester will be on line? And if we do move on line, how will the University deliver a consistent classroom experience? So right now, as of today, April 2nd, we are planning for A.
Physical experience for all of our fall students where we are investigating the options right now. An alternatives for if the public health emergency advances through the summer and were not able to deliver and in classroom experience, how we will do it on line.
I want to be truthful and transparent to you because you are making an investment decision about what to do in terms of your you be MBA experience.
And so the the options right now are a physical in residence experience. A partial online experience and a fully online experience. We won't have an answer on what we're going to do until the until we know more about the public health.
About how this advances over the course of the summer so so I know that's probably not the answer that you wanted. The detail that you wanted fish, but I don't want to say how likely it is because at this point we're investigating all the options at, but we're investigating the on line options as back up to our plan to deliver an in residence experience for some programs. What we are looking at, not the you be MBA program but across the University.
For some programs, their differing until spring, so starting in spring instead of fall for other programs there deferring to next fall and for some other programs they're delivering a fully online experience. what I will tell you is that our professional MBA is currently delivered as a hybrid experience and it's very successful. So if we decide to move to an online experience for the first semester, we're not shifting. We would never shift the UBM tools.
Fully on line experience, but if we had to shift for the first semester we are successful in delivering an on line, highly integrated, highly experiential learning opportunity for our MBA's. Already in our professional MBA. So that would follow the pattern. That would be the pattern that we would follow. If you're interested in learning more about how we do that in the Professional MBA, I would encourage you actually to go look at the professional NBA website on mgt.buffalo.edu.
And take a look at it, because that will serve as our guide. However, right now we are planning for a fully physical in residence experience. If we have students that can't get to us, we're going to have to deal with that on an ad hoc basis. And based on what their individual experiences. So I hope I answered your question for you.
Send it.
OK Aaron. The along the same lines that I know Melinda talked a lot about it the visas, but another one of vicious questions. If the ban on international travel isn't lifted quickly, international students as we know it might not be able to get visas in time. How can the University help expedite the visa process?
So we are at the behest of the US federal government in terms of visa processing.
What we are looking at right now is, uhm, how to deliver the same materials that you need in order to be able to be prepared for when visa processing resumes. I've actually said this in several meetings over the course of the last week, as I have explained it to our faculty and staff with regards to visas. We at the US State Department.
Affectively turned off the world in one day. However, I don't think that we're going to be able to turn the world back on in one day in terms of visa processing, and I think countries are going to stagger back in based on how they how they where they are on the COVID-19 curve and how they are able to manage their own business processes in country. So what we're trying to do is make sure that you are the most prepared to be able to immediately engage.
Just those visa services resume. So my recommendation to you is right now to continue to watch the State Department and the embassies and consulates websites and make sure that you are making an appointment as soon as they become available. The one thing I want to caution is many of you use visa processing services which are separate independent firms, not the US federal government. Those visa processing firms may have calendars that are different than the State Department.
The embassies and consulates so make sure that you are watching the embassies and consulates for when visa services resume and you're getting an appointment as soon as possible because we've heard that those visa services visa processing firms are not opening appointments until October. I can confirm for you that the US State Department has not set a date for resumption of visa services, so make sure that you're watching the US State Department and the embassies and consulates you can find embassy and consulate information on state.gov.
Uh, which is the US State Department official website and notices in individual countries will go up on those websites first before they go up on the visa processing firms. So what are we doing here on campus to make sure that you can get the information that you need in order to be able to take advantage of those opportunities when they arise? Are international admissions an Melinda Melinda's team?
Are working furiously to make sure that we process all your documents and we get them to you as soon as we possibly can. So I think Melinda in her slides had mentioned that shipping in some countries has stopped completely, so if we can't ship you a physical document, our international education or international admissions team right now is investigating the recent.
Immigration, customs and Immigration and Department of Homeland Security. Notice that PDF I-20 materials will be generated there evaluating that right now and we hope to have a decision shortly as to whether or not will be able to send you a digital I-20. If we are able to do that, we will do that. Our chief concern with digital I 20s is that while one government agency is saying that it's OK to have a digital I-20
The other government agency, specifically immigrations and customs, who you will, who you will meet when you arrive in the United States, has not said yet that the digital I-20 Documentation is appropriate.
So, so we're investigating the risk to you on whether or not a digital I-20 PDF is appropriate. We hope to have an answer soon and the quickest way for you to get an answer is to make sure that you're following our COVID-19 FA Q Page on our admissions website at mgt.buffalo.edu/MBA, so make sure that you're checking back on our enrollment FA Q frequently and if anything changes that.
Is directly related to your specific enrollment journey. We will be emailing you directly, so you also want to make sure you whitelist us in your email and watch your email for specific communications. Just don't go randomly deleting us out of your inbox because we might be saying something specific.
Alright, let's stick with the COVID-19 themed questions here. This next one's two part in Gwent. If you're still out there and want to jump back on. This is geared toward internships. How will COVID-19 impact the internship experience of students one? And do we anticipate a reduction in the number of companies recruiting for internships?
Sure, that's a really good question. We're living that question right now. Our office had to spring into action very quickly when this whole crisis began to Transpire, because there were some immediate impacts for students that are on current internships. So we jumped out pretty quickly with some advisement and best practice in transitioning our internships to virtual experiences. We've had that we've had a lot of success. 90% of our students.
Are were able to transition over to a virtual internship that are in internships right now. So we've had a lot of success in working with working with employers in how to transition and set that up. It's a good question about this summer. We have seen a handful of employers cancel their summer internship programs. Some of them are national internship programs that have been cancelled. They couldn't see their way clear to running that particularly hardest hit industries like hospitality industries.
That are dealing dealing with extensive shutdown, so those concentrated areas have been impacted significantly, but at the same time we've also seen, and we've been working with, particularly some of our entrepreneurial partnerships and some of our employers on more project work that has come up as a result of this crisis. And there's a lot of operational and.
Relevant work that needs to be done in terms of emergency response and things like that. There really well suited to MBAs in terms of projects. We've also heard from employers that have said, we know we're going to need interns, but we're on a pause right now because we're trying to adjust our own operations and need to figure out how the work of the intern will transition over. So there's there's a lot of opportunity that still available, so I think.
We've heard concerns from our students about, you know how they meet the requirement, particularly some of our dual degree students that are have limited time frames and things like that. So we did have an emergency vote with our faculty and to make sure that we are being flexible and how students satisfy the requirement. Whether or not it's through some of project work that they are able to put together through credentialing and things like that. So there's more flexibility. We still want students to get all the same experiences.
But in terms of kind of the rigid credit bearing requirement that we have, we've actually given students a lot of different options to be able to satisfy the requirement so that they are able to balance out some of the other considerations that they have. So obviously we're in the thick of things right now. We anticipate things as we approach towards the end of the year, easing up particularly in terms of operations. An really things bouncing back in terms of business needs for a project or an internship work, so we're just.
Trying right now to be working with our employers. Give them a lot of great resources and how they can be hiring students to do virtual projects right now in the intro. I hope that answers.
Yeah, thank you very much.
Bouncing back to Erin O'Brien. Do you have an idea of what the size of the incoming student body is looking like those far this year?
Sure, absolutely so. Size depends on the number of applicants and admitted students that we have, and so take everything that I say with a grain of salt because we still have two rounds left for admissions for the entering fall 20 cohort. So I expect that the numbers that I share with you right now are actually going to grow.
Typically in a typical year, the pardon me one 2nd.
Typically in a given year, we bring in roughly 8200. You be MBA students and that class is usually distributed by. There's roughly 50% of those are single degree students, and of those single degree students usually tend to 20% of the class are international students, sometimes as high as 30% and the.
The remainder of the students are US domestic students, and so I expect that US domestic students should be able to travel to us in order to be able to start the program in the last week of August, and international students may have some difficulties getting to us the last week of August, 'cause It's going to be Visa and travel restrictions dependant. That said, I expect that we will have a full class. There's been no indication.
At all in our admissions pipeline that the US students have are not planning on being here in the first week of classes in person. So I think what's in flux right now.
Is the roughly 10 to 20% that are coming from outside the United States, and that's important because those students are coming from countries all over the world. We have students coming from the Asia Pacific countries that might have been in front of us on the COVID-19 curve and we have students coming from countries in Africa and Europe and the Indian subcontinent that are behind us.
On the cover 19 curve, so I expect that some portion of our international students should be able to join us for the first week of classes.
Very hopeful that we will be able to clear the backlog of the visa challenges and people will be able to travel. That said, we've done a lot to encourage applicants and admitted students to actually enroll. I would say definitely if you haven't deposited already deposit to hold your seat. Make sure that you know keep moving forward with your travel plans to get to us in order to be able to start.
But I do expect that you know will be close to a full class, hopefully, and if we're not, I'd see the downside is probably 20% less 20, about 20% last, 25% less than. Then we usually have. So from a fullness of experience and richness of experience aspect, I do think if you are able to join us for the fall semester that you will find that you have a full class.
Aaron, you touched on earlier that there's multiple layers of diversity in the classroom in terms of who the students are in their backgrounds. But can you elaborate a little bit about some of the professional backgrounds for the incoming class?
Sure, um, it's very wide ranging. We are not, uh.
Limited organization in terms of the types of backgrounds of students who are coming into the MBA program in a usual year, we accept 50 different majors undergraduate majors into the MBA program, so it's very wide ranging. You're going to find that their students with business backgrounds and their students with Humanities and social Sciences backgrounds and health professions, backgrounds, and Sciences, backgrounds and engineering backgrounds.
And so it's a very wide range of perspectives across the UV MBA population. Typically the entering cohort will will have range of work experience as well, so we've had. We currently have students who have more than 15 years of work experience and then we have students who have no professional work experience because they're coming to us as part of their.
Dual degree, so typically folks like our Med students or or pharmacy students have done nothing but go to school and do clinical internships for their entire academic experience. So they've not had the professional work experience opportunity that other folks might have had, so our age range.
I'm sorry I work experience range is very wide it's I would say zero to 20 years. Our age range is exactly the same. It's about 0 to 20 years. There are people who are returning to school after working for a very long time and have decided that they want to jump out of the market and make a switch in their career rather than persist in their career and do a professional MBA. And then there are those students who have had a continual academic experience for their entire lives and so they tend to be our youngest student.
So you're going to find a wide range of age within the you be MBA program. We're about 6040 male to female.
We're proud of that number of enrolling that number of women in the UB MBA. So we're about average to the rest of the MBA programs in the United States at about 30 to 40% women.
And as I mentioned, we have students coming from countries all over the world. We admit students from about 2223 different countries, and so you have a great experience meeting with students from India and China and Bangladesh and Taiwan and Korea and Ghana and European countries and Canada and Mexico. It's really hard to convince the South American to come to Buffalo. They like to stay in the warmer climates in the United States, but we do.
We are able to bring in a wide diversity of students into our class.
OK, next other scholarships, financial awards, assistantships, etc communicated as part of the acceptance letter or they communicated at a later date.
There typically communicated at a later date, and that's a really good question, especially now anarcho VAT 19 affected world. The scholarship deadline has always been February 1st, but this year because COVID-19 has really challenged students in terms of their applications. An admissions were still evaluating the admitted student pool for scholarships and financial assistance. There are several different types, so their scholarships and fellowships.
And there are assistantships and assistantships are an opportunity to work in a professional office in the School of Management or be a teaching assistant most of the teaching assistant positions tend to go to second year MBAs because they've already been through the first year MBA core and can now be a teaching assistant so teaching assistants tend to be more of a second year experience than a first year experience unless you're a teaching assistant for an undergraduate class and there's possibilities for that as well.
Teaching assistants or compensated in a wide range of of types so teaching assistants can be an hourly position or it can have a tuition waiver and a stipend associated with it they're very individual and their based on individual faculty and their ability to the lines that they have in their ability to fund a teaching assistant we don't have many research assistants in the School of Management because teaching assistants usually perform that role for management faculty.
Unlike in the say in medical school or in biology or chemistry or bio medical engineering so we don't have many research assistants graduate assistants work in professional offices like mine and going Apple bombs and we you in exchange for working for us for 20 hours a week we typically offer a stipend and a tuition waiver that allows you to help defray the cost of your you be MBA.
With many scholarships and fellowships available and I encourage you to check them out on the scholarship.
Web page on MDT dot Buffalo dot Edu slash MBA take a look at them because each scholarship is individual in their selection process some scholarships like the Western New York prosperity scholarship you have to apply for some scholarships we just consider you for so for something like the Dean scholarship I will meet with my colleagues and we will evaluate you your credentials based on the pool of admitted students and we will let you know individually if we have awarded you.
A scholarship to be truthful were still awarding scholarships so there's a chance that there are there are scholarships available for you and we will continue to award them throughout the course of our admission cycle because things are changing pretty fast and furiously so so yes there are scholarships and financial awards an assistant ships available and we will communicate them after your admissions decision.
You're welcome.
OK, that's going to do it for our Live Q&A. Thank you very much, Aaron. And thank you to our audience for joining us today again.
An unforeseen, unprecedented times that we're dealing with now, and so we appreciate you, not only spending time with us, learning more about the you be MBA program in our little community but also answering or asking such great questions as it pertains to the operations side of things. So again, thank you for all of that. For those of you that had technical difficulty that weren't able to hear everyone or see everyone at specific points in the presentation, it is recorded and we will be sending it out to you.
Aaron Shaw
10:26:01 AM
And so hopefully the recording has everything that you need in it. But as you can see in the chat box, everything was put out there in closed captioning. So at the very least, you've got the notes. If you weren't able to hear somebody, but with that, feel free at any point in time to ask anyone of us. One on one questions if you have concerns, reach out. You've got certainly my email just via registering for this particular web and R. I'll put it here in the chat box just in case, and I would encourage my colleagues to do the same so that everybody's got it.
Erin O'Brien
10:26:10 AM
Meghan Wood
10:26:12 AM
Meghan mpwood@buffalo.edu
But so yeah, worst case scenario reach out when I'm one and we can address any additional questions or concerns that you have. So again big congratulations from all of us. This is a huge step forward for your careers and your personal growth. We couldn't be more excited for you and we look forward to either hearing from you or seeing you in person very very soon. So take care and have a great day.